Thanks a lot to all for an amazing time! Great mood, great work, great team! We are really looking forward to the finished film!
People on the picture (f.l.t.r.): Philipp Budweg (Lieblingsfilm), Stefanie Letschert (Arena Verlag), Robert Marciniak (Lieblingsfilm), Carolin Kebekus (character teacher Mrs. Kackert), Christoph Liedke (WildBunch), Neele Leana Vollmar (Director), Nikolaus Prediger (FFF Bayern), Daniel Gottschalk (DoP), Daniela Kohl (illustrator of the book series) and Dagmar Blume-Niehage of Dagstar Film.
And of course our main cast Yola Streese, Meggy Marie Hussong und Levi Kazmaier.
© Martin Rottenkolber